
Risk ​Assessment

Risk is good, so what risks should you take?



To match your investment approach with your unique Risk Profile is of critical importance in the investment process. The diagram below shows the key pillars ​forming your overall risk profile.

  • ​Risk required: This is​ the level of risk required to be taken on investments to achieve your desired level of investment return.

  • Risk Tolerance: Risk tolerance is the level of financial risk the client is emotionally comfortable with or willing to take.

  • Risk Capacity​: Risk capacity is the level of financial risk the client can afford to take.

risk-matrix  ​​​​

Your unique risk tolerance and risk capacity may change overtime due to life events and life stage cycles. This may have an impact on your portfolio recommendation​ and may need to be reviewed. Should there be any change​ that may affect your investment goals, please contact us to reassess your risk profile and investment portfolio.

Make the sensible choice to start y​our investment journey​ by knowing your risk profile.​​
